Earlier this year Calvin Coolidge Senior High School in Washington D.C. incorporated my book
A Lesson Learned into their 10th and 11th grade World Problems and Contemporary Issues class and a few senior English classes. This was spearheaded by Lauren Mckenzie who is a English and Social Studies teacher at Coolidge. Mckenzie was recently featured on the Project Based Learning (PBL) in Practice Podcast where she spoke with PBL expert Shayla Adams Stafford. In the interview Mckenzie shares how she helped students connect and create empathy for a project through restorative practices and she specifically talks with Adams about using my book A Lesson Learned as a part of her practices. This was a great interview and was a reminder that my intention for my book is working. When I hear how my stories are helping students it brings me so much joy. I prayed that the stories would help the youth make better choices than the ones my friends and I made. This interview not only proves that it's working, but also shows how A Lesson Learned is helping to bridge the gap between student and teacher. To read more about my "Authors Visit" to Coolidge your can read my previous blog about it here. If you're interested in more of Stafford's podcast you can listen here.
Calvin Coolidge Senior High School students reading A Lesson Learned.